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Bob has a popular presentation for groups about business, organizations, and life called Sweet Spot Living & Managing
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Bob Rempel is an experienced leader, manager, strategist, and communicator with wide experience in the corporate, government and non-profit sector
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Bob at a recent long-term social enterprise leadership engagement
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Bob blogs here at BobRempel.com and at Rempelgroup.com, his other business website. He is currently very active in leading the ongoing services of The Agency-Rempelgroup Marketing and Communications Strategy & Services of providing 21st-century services and solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, events, and non-profit organizations everywhere with an Old School twist where it still works best. He is also spearheading the team effort to create music-based fundraising events such as a Blues and Blues Rock Music Festival called Tequila Rock and Blues Explosion Fest and Concerts For A Cause, in Mexico, in Ixtapa. These events have supported very worthwhile registered charities, such as the children of Talita Cumi orphanage near Zihuatanejo, Mexico and currently support Street Animal Rescue Projects and Disadvantage Kids And Their Music And Performance Training. The Fest has a major fundraising goal for 2024-2026 which can be viewed at the home page of https://tequilabluesrock.com
He is active on social media. On Twitter @bobremp he tweets about leadership, coaching and new school blended with old-school business development strategies on Twitter. His interaction with his growing list of followers and his tweets are visible on most of his web pages.
His personal Facebook page is BobRempel1 and his business pages include RempelGroup among others.
On Linkedin
On Google Plus business account
On Pinterest (business and personal accounts)
On his own time he is an avid baseball fan in person and on tv, and loves to attend as many local live music performances and festivals as possible. He has experience as an international and national high-performance softball coach, athlete and administrator, as well as colour commentator for many game broadcasts. An upcoming book is tentatively titled “Creating Your Own Walk Off Life” in reference to a baseball term for a dramatic game-ending hit leading to immediate victory.
Computers and the online world have always seen him be an early adopter. Blogging was something he did before the term became popular and he can talk about the Movable Type, MySpace, and Blogger and now knows WordPress inside and out.
He is an active community volunteer including music festivals, golf tournaments, and fundraising drives for local causes.
My Story (the early years)
Politician, Competitive Ball Player and Technical Director for International & National Competitions later, Newspaper Reporter/Photographer, Small Business Owner of 2 businesses (that’s all before 30) then Executive Public Relations Director for two large Canadian companies all the way to Executive Director/Director of Development for a social enterprise providing meaningful employment for those with mental health issues that my team and I were able to grow dramatically.
From a landlocked small town in Canada with Mennonite life and religious values permeating everywhere to start my life, to another small town now, with the ocean nearby and majestic sunsets and sunrises, my story is still about Hustle, Drive, and Determination. Every morning is truly a New Day! A day to express Gratitude. Making sure you are always ahead of the curve, outthinking and anticipating the competition and more.
(See the full Bob Rempel story here shortly)
Bob as leader and chief strategist for The Agency…RempelGroup Marketing and Communications Strategy & Services
“The principal of RempelGroup is Bob Rempel. Professionally accredited in public relations and communications and financial planning/investment services, Bob brings many years of management and leadership experience and skills in a wide variety of settings to the management consulting and services provided by the RempelGroup.
Most recently he has completed an almost seven-year management stint at a non-profit in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada that created social enterprises to support those with a mental health disability by creating meaningful employment for them. The organization grew dramatically both in terms of the number of individuals served and in terms of overall revenue. At the same time, he continued to develop his online presence and network of sites and services, staying current in this field.
A proven leader and big-picture thinker, his breadth of experience spans political action and campaigns, community development, strategic public relations and communications including public affairs, media relations and communications planning, financial planning and products and investment services both in a small business and large corporate and government environments.
Bob will coordinate the talent and experience brought to each engagement, ensure the systems put in place are state of the art and have a direct involvement in each activity, structured in a way to best serve the client. Follow up with clients, and remaining accountable for results is a key part of our work, which Bob is also responsible for.
Please contact us by email at “bob@rempelgroup.com with a phone number and best time to contact you so we can begin the discussion process leading to the assessment and implementation of positive changes for your business or non-profit.
Our Services & Expertise
The RempelGroup has undertaken and completed many and varied projects and engaged in professional activities for the past 35 years that should give you confidence in your choice of individuals who come ready for the assignment.
Most recently we have completed projects in the following areas.
-Non-Profit and Small Biz Management Consulting:
-Financial Services: Branch Management, Wealth Management, Financial Planning
-Public Relations-Crisis Communications: Media Relations:
-Educational Services:
-Sports Administration and National/International Coaching
For a detailed list of our projects and for a discussion and quote on your needs please contact us by email or phone.
Media & Testimonials
Bob has considerable front line and management level experience in media relations and getting media coverage and public awareness.
For example, from the almost 7 years of management & leadership contract at SSCOPE Inc, a Winnipeg based non-profit operating numerous social enterprises in support of mental health, Bob and the organization was in the news and talked about in the community often.
SSCOPE and Social Enterprise In The News:
Social Enterprise Canada Jan. 29-2014 Social Enterprise Canada Jan. 27-2014
Testimonials, Feedback and Comments: Coming Soon